Sex is primarily good for morale, and when morale is at the top, performance are the effects of gender on the metabolism, especially on the muscles? Sexual activity before physical exertion is it favorable or harmful to performance?
Abstinence or not?
The top athletes and sports physicians have often raised the issue of sexual abstinence before an event: sex before an intense effort imply a decrease in testosterone, the male sex hormone in the blood .
Now, this popular belief is not based: a drop in testosterone after sex is actually determined, but it must also take into account the sharp rise occurred during the act. Therefore, the fall in the blood does not involve going under a certain threshold, since this drop is only offset the surge caused by the sexual act. So it is clear that sex does not reduce testosterone levels in the blood.
Sexual activity stimulates the heart muscle: the heart rate during sexual intercourse generally increase of 75 beats per minute to more than 100 beats per minute or 180 beats during orgasm. Making love is a great stimulant to the heart muscle, a good cardio session somehow;-)
In addition, some athletes advocate sexual abstinence before a competition for fear of exhausting their bodies. As with any physical activity, the intensity of the sexual act will affect more or less marked on the fatigue of the body. It depends on the context: an entire night of sex will obviously deplete the body that can not rest and recharge energy. However, make love once in the evening before the competition does not exhaust you, this will help you relax and even promote your night's sleep, thanks to the endorphins released by the brain.
For some, abstinence, ie the sexual tension, promote aggression during competition and thus performance. Again, these effects are not proven or even denials: studies have shown that the performance of athletes who have had sex before exercise are the same as for those who did not get it.
Finally, a Scottish study says that making love stimulates a hormone that promote fat metabolism and muscle growth. This does not involve direct effects on athletic performance, but demonstrates that sexual activity stimulates metabolism positively: one more argument which proves that sexual activity before exercise has no negative impact on organization, or sports performance.
Its effects on the male metabolism

What conclusions can be drawn with respect to sex? This study demonstrates the effects of testosterone on the body, but are particularly indicate negative effects. As noted, the effects of testosterone on muscle strength depends on the dose in the body. In this case, we can imagine that caused the release of testosterone in the sexual act has no negative effects on metabolism. The sexual act does not necessarily enhance muscle strength significantly (too small dose), but it will make you free testosterone, a hormone well known for its effects on muscle mass and fatigue resistance.
According to studies, female orgasm would painkiller properties.
An American researcher has analyzed the areas of the brain stimulated during the female orgasm through a Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI). It appears on the results that some areas of the anterior cingulate cortex were activated. These are the same areas that are activated when a subject feels pain. In other words, the area of pain is also activated during intense pleasure.
This correlation suggests that orgasm provides an analgesic effect in women, which would relieve muscle pain.
Abstinence before a competition or intense physical effort is useless. Practice love does not entail any negative effect on physical performance.
As practice love before a competition is not going to much boost your performance.
Sex is primarily good for morale, and when morale is at the top, following the performance.
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