
Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Breakfast to gain muscle

For some years, I had the opportunity to attend many top athletes or amateur. Holds a Master in Physics and nutritional preparation, my intervention with athletes were to optimize global performance.

When addressing the topic of nutrition, an error was returning home most athletes: a nonexistent breakfast or very incomplete. A sports always need to rebuild muscle repair and maintain muscle mass to be effective.

I will show you through this article why it is essential to have a breakfast of quality in a sportsman.

Breakfast to gain muscle: halt catabolism

Breakfast comes after a night that lasted more than 6 hours usually. During this time, your body has not received any essential nutrient to feed your muscles. The body then enters a catabolic phase. Catabolism is the breakdown of muscle tissue. This is a phase that must be avoided as much as possible in an athlete.

To stop this catabolism, provide the body with essential nutrients, in particular protein and amino acid sources. The organization will be able to return to a phase of anabolism, muscle building.

Breakfast to gain muscle: the indispensable food

You understood, breakfast is a very important meal should contain a source of protein and amino acid quality.

But what are the foods that will get these protein sources?

- Eggs

- Cottage cheese

- White meat (chicken ...)

But I grant you, it is not always easy in the morning eating eggs or be white chicken!

Fortunately, it is possible to find all sources of proteins essential for building muscle in one protein shaker.

Mixed with water or milk, whey your chocolate taste perfectly accompany your breakfast. You will feel like to take a good milk chocolate and one will provide all the essential nutrients for good muscle gain!

Take a shaker every morning to stop protein catabolism will allow you to significantly improve your muscle gain.

The whey manufacturer companies have developed delicious tastes, you'll really be able to associate pleasure of breakfast and improving your performance !!

Breakfast: definitely a meal of the day should not be neglected to take muscle !!


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