
Tuesday, 2 December 2014

The secret of arnold biceps

In 1970, everyone knew where the man who changed the appearance of the biceps in bodybuilding. It was in California that this legend named Arnold has developed a pair of arms that had never existed at the time, and inspired all bodybuilders since! This golden era, the Old School time released physical which still inspire many bodybuilders!

The questions remain

Here we are 40 years later, and we always ask the same questions:

How has he done?
How he managed to bring up the muscle separation that way so impressive?
And here's the question that everyone (we first but you dear readers) arises: "Is it that I can apply the principles and techniques to develop Arnold my arms? ". BOOM!

Well the answer is YES! . Of course, Arnold has an unspeakable genetics has allowed him to be pro bodybuilder, but the principles on which it was based to develop his arms, especially its unique biceps, namely intensity, viewing on long term, discipline and regularity can be used by everyone, beginner or professional! No excuses!

To help you discover its techniques, its philosophy and program, to gather the information of the best sites and some US American books!

From Zero to Hero

You must know that Arnold was not born with massive arms. However, it has always been obsessed with his biceps, contracting them constantly. He said later, that allowed him to contract the best and feel them during his training.

To excel, Arnold has always seen his biceps as mountains, not muscle! He al
ways wanted to thwart his brain! Seeing his biceps as mountains, he attaches no limits and manages to overcome its limitations. His progress is a result of many small steps! He insists that every beginner should learn to be satisfied with the slightest progress. Everyone should practice with enthusiasm and as a champion!

Shock the body!

Arnold has always analyzed the situation before acting. At first, his biceps training consisted of the following exercises: curl bar and curl dumbbells. But he quickly thought of a method and to incorporate new exercises to shock his body and fatten his arms. His new training was then composed of straight bar curl, dumbbell curl seated or standing and concentrated curl while changing often his way of training, intensity, load and therefore the number of repetitions, but also the number of series. As he says himself, he would do 20 sets of 4-5 reps heavy one day, and another day to do 30 sets of 15 reps! Shock the muscle!

This principle of shock the muscle was the basis of its success. He understood that the human body adapts quickly, and if you do the same workout ever, he would resist muscle growth, because he knows that you will do 4 sets of 10 rep to curl bar, then 4 sets of 10 rep dumbbell hammer curl taken and finally concentrate curl 4 sets, each and every week! But if you try different exercises, different weight, a different kind of break time, or if you use drop-sets, you pull the muscle of his comfort zone, and there he is forced to answer! BOOM!

Here's what the muscle is said, "Wow, this is new that, it just made me do 10 sets of 20 reps, and the next time it will be 20 sets of 5 rep. I will never hold and resist, I'm going to have fat! do you even lift

his training

Arnold had two routines to develop his arms. The first lasted nine months, it was that which followed after the competition (Mr. Olympia). The second lasted 3 months! These were the three months that preceded the competition!

The first routine 9 months was devoted to build quality mass, and the second was intended to improve muscle detail. As you can see, Arnold saw the big picture, and long term, patience and organization were great qualities.

The off-season training (9 months after the event)

Off-season, when in clean weight gain, Arnold trains six times a week, and bump his arms two times a week. Each drive arm lasted 2 hours 45 minutes for the biceps, triceps 45 minutes, 30 minutes to the forearms! (Daym eh). To recover these hyper intense workouts for as small muscle groups, Arnold placed between 3 and 4 days off.

Exercise 1: Reverse Curl Bar (with cheats)

It starts with an overhand grip, the bar in the legs, with a spacing equal to that of arms shoulders, he helps his body with a slight rocker to raise the bar. Once up, he is careful to contract his biceps and down the bar to the starting position slowly! With this decision, it also develops the outer part of the biceps that is often forgotten!

Exercise 2: Curl inclined dumbbell

He leans against an incline bench to 45 degrees to allow his biceps to fully stretch and keep the tension during the rising phase. Muscle contraction for it was one of the keys to muscle development. With each repetition, it completely stretches his arms and constricts the way!

Exercise 3: Curl concentrated to one arm

It performs this exercise while standing and by slightly bending (for

have a maximum stretching biceps, see the photo). The arm should be locked during this movement and stay vertical.

Only the forearms should move making sure to feel the contraction in the biceps and control the movement! This movement is his secret to develop the famous "peak" (peak English) biceps!

Do keep in mind that all movement must be controlled and well executed. The upswing is as important as the descandante phase. Check the descent, contract the bicep at the top, and you feel your arms explode, is valid for any movement!

Exercise 4: Alternating Dumbbell Curl

At the start of the movement, the barbell is in the legs, hammer jack.

Gradually turn the dumbbell inwards amount and keep the contraction once on top, then you accompany the descent and follow up with the other arm!

With this move, you get the peak of the outer part of the biceps (crucial for installation at Mr. Olympia). This rotation to give it that famous separation of biceps muscles, also allowed him to develop his forearms and the lower part of the biceps! Late in the session, it knocks!

Enough now!

4 exos, more than 20 series, 45 minutes on hard biceps, it's a lot for anyone, but for Arnold it was just normal! He added a few techniques during its meeting, such as stretching the arms of several series!

The pre-competition training (3 months before the competition)

3 months before the competition, he completely changed his routine. His biceps was to give a skinned appearance of arms. He based primarily on his training superset for maximum pump! He placed very little rests chained dropset and superset, and now was working arms 3 times per week

Do what he says, not what it does

What was Arnold can not give the same results for all. Himself advocates for beginners and intermediates to between 10 and 15 sets of 12 reps, focusing on the quality of the movement execution. The biceps are a small muscle, will not burn each workout, 10-15 series enough.


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