
Sunday 4 January 2015

Skinny To Muscle - fast muscle gain Ectomorphs

An ectomorph is the classic skinny guy who can not gain weight, even if he tries. Fat does not accumulate because of your high metabolism and genetics for themselves inhibit lean muscle growth. This does not mean you are cursed all the time to be in this body, but that does not mean you have to exercise smarter, not just harder!

Here are five key rules that skinny guys use to get the maximum effect and increase muscle mass quickly that have proven to work!

  • 1. Do not go beyond 10 reps per set

If you do more than 10 repetitions per set, and there are always benefits you need fast muscle growth since the muscle fibers activated only with the growth potential of the smallest. To make the most of each game, you need more weight to make it a struggle to reach 10 and 11 would be too!

The main effort and the more muscle weight is recruited, stressed and challenged, which in turn stimulates muscle growth to make these repetitions count and give them the respect they do not deserve something suddenly wind through.

  • 2. Increased intensity, less time in the gym

Intensity is the key to training sessions, as you may have guessed, but did you know that by shortening the time to do your workout increases the total work and therefore favors bigger muscles?

If you compress training for a short period of time with the rest of less (but do not give up or too fast), you will not only save time, but exercise is harder and better for your skin and muscle targets bone.

  • 3. No More to exercise each muscle group

More is not always better. Muscles need some spark to make them move to grow and once the switch is thrown emphasizing more very few. Once you have a group of good quality games on a muscle group can not find another exercise that targets the same muscle groups, as it is already on, so you do not waste your time, move to another group of muscles!

  • 4. Maximum 3-5 sets for each muscle group

If you go over 5 sets for each muscle group and the quality of your exercise is not enough and you need to hit the intensity up a notch! All 4 and 5 of perhaps training should be 100%, and you should try to push yourself to the absolute limit of the sets they are the ones that activate muscle fibers and build muscle better fast.

If you are not to the advantage of the strength of these past collections and you feel like you can go for more then you need to lift weights increasingly brought in just those 3-5 sets as they are all you need is a muscle specific group.

  • 5. Increase the strength of 5% every two weeks

Lean journey for muscle can be tiring, difficult to stay motivated and keep track of which explains why so many skinny guys fall into a routine that does not challenge stagnate muscle growth.

To stay motivated and keep pushing your body to the limit to build muscle fast you need to track your progress. Note what your goals are for each muscle group every 2 weeks or more and aim to reach this level. Many obtained is about 5% increase every two weeks for a total of many advances that directly affects your strength and consequently muscle mass.


  1. Lmao, if only that were true. Everyone has a different base strength and intelligence, so become overly muscular isn't going to increase those significantly. I'm thin but because of a high natural level of strength and intelligence, I can easily overturn people much bigger.

    Talent is determined at conception, and it can't be changed.

  2. also for repairing muscle tissue damaged after an intense iron blasting workout. Adam

  3. Some great tips here. I think the most important on is to gradually work your way up.

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