
Thursday, 12 February 2015

The key points to take a good muscle MASS

There is no real "secrets" to build a good muscle mass, there is especially a few rules to know and put into practice. I'll mention a few.

The key points to take a good muscle MASS8 Basic Rules

The first is someone who really tries to take muscle mass should not be concerned to see his abs chocolate squares, or his cardio, or its supplements that can be taken from the "dry weight" ... wait for have a good round of biceps (45 cm?) and then you can worry about your abs.

2nd rule: there is a need to use heavy weights and using these heavyweights long time and regularly.

3rd rule: You have to eat but actually eat and not counting his calories, eat things that nourish your body and your muscles, eat foods that give you the amount of nutrients, fruits vegetables and cereals head.

4th rule: Learn to relax. It is important to rest after a workout, is recovered is reconstructed is repaired and made our muscles grow. Rest, take a nap and sleep at night all these elements are essential to a good ground connection.

5th rule: the right weight management programs contain only 7-8 movements at most and can sometimes be 2 exos insulation for the arms. Learn to love these movements 7-8, make it your favorite.

6th rule : reps how much it takes exactly? 1-5 or 8-12? Let's say that while we are not yet able to achieve a good DC 150kg, 200kg or 250kg Squat in SDT for 2-4 reps it's not really worth it to go down in the 1-5 rep ranks, it is better keep working in the 5-10 or 8-12 for gains in muscle mass.

7th rule: I read some good advice once on a really bad site that told us: "Never do less than 10 reps per set to squat." It would be wrong to ignore this good advice. It gives us time on and it quite stimulating hormones.

8th rule: Keep 1 or 2 reps under your arm, do not exhaust yourself under the bar with a single set. The actors of "Pumping Iron" were more than "genetically spoiled by Mother Nature."

Finally to prepare and execute a good weight program, you need at least 3 keys:

1. The total and complete mastery of each movement is the first key
2. The list of best moves is short, make your short list accurately learn to love these movements and practicing them over and over, this is the second key
3. Finally, start each session with a different muscle group from that of the previous session, this is the third key.


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