
Saturday 27 September 2014


It does no good to simply move the cast: it will not make you grow if you do not apply progressive overload to get out of your comfort zone.

What if you could go to the fitness club and move with loads to become huge and achieve its objectives, 100% of practitioners bodybuilding would be satisfied with their bodies. This is not the case, and for good reason: handle loads (heavy or light) is useless if it is not done intelligently and in particular respecting the golden rule of sports progression: progressive overload.
The main reason that prevents you from moving forward!
This is the basis of all sports training, either for bodybuilding or other sports. Of course, this does not mean increasing the charges to each drive (this is stupid, because if it was possible we all pousserions 500 kg in squat or bench press a few years), but to do it at the right time.

What is progressive overload?

The driving load is the weight on the bar (with a given speed), which is multiplied by the drive volume. The training volume is the number of repetitions in total (including amplitude, so the distance traveled by the load on the session).

The training load, you can calculate it for a year, a group of muscles, a workout, a week of training, a training cycle. Everything is possible and manipulated.

Add the concentric speed, time under tension, reduce recovery time, increase the amplitude, etc. and you increase the workload. The aim is that depending on your design criterion (the year the meeting, the week cycle), you increase the workload between the beginning and the end.

This is the key to your progress: no increase in workload, not increase (or very little).

So what matters is not WHAT the load on the bar (the level reached), but how you did to put this weight. A person starting at 100K and 120K arriving in sets of 10 will be more progress than that which starts at 140K and 145 K ends at the same time. In addition, degradation of the art, or increased rest periods may cancel out the benefits of the increased weight on the bar.

And muscle is not the only one experiencing this need for escalation

Endurance, strength, explosiveness, strengthening other parts of the body (tendons, joints, bones, vascular system, etc.) also follow the same principle of progressive overload need. This is why you might not be good at endurance even if you do three hours of weight training per day: we must seek endurance by overloading the body gradually improve, as to gain strength or muscle . Each quality is specific.

Even in everyday life we need a progressive overload. Try to learn a language in a block ... you'll have trouble. Instead, you need to learn a few words at the beginning, then you will learn more regularly while manipulating the 1st learned not to forget them. If you learn 50 words and you just talk to them, you will not progress ...

In sports, it's exactly the same thing you learn early 10-15 exercises with a load. But if you stick to these charges and if you do not learn other movements. .. You can say goodbye to your progress.

How progressively overload?

There are many ways to implement a progressive overload, here are a few:

Increase the weight

This is the first answer, the most obvious. Add weight to each session or every 2 or 3 sessions, regardless, but increase SOME weight regularly. This increases the drive load gradually.

Increase the volume of training

Add 1 or 2 reps per set from one session to another, every 2 or 3 sessions. It's simple and understandable by all. This is what one does when baby learns to walk: it is not 1 or 2. Then 2 or 3, then crosses the room to finally walk without limit.

But the number of repetitions in the series is not the only way to increase the training volume: Add 1 or 2 sets regularly is also a way to gradually increase the workload.

And to see even larger, increasing the number of training is also a way to progress in training volume (and thus progressively overload).

Increase the density of the session

This is often forgotten, but reduce the length of rest between sets also increases the workload. For the same work, if you put less time to do it, you add a great difficulty (less recovery, so work when tired).

In fact, if you make a series of 100K (which is for example 70% of your max) being fresh, do the same thing when tired, will represent 75-80% of your max the time (fatigue). You increase the workload.

Prohibited progressive overload, how to do?

But beware, progressively overload is not doing anything, anyhow. Indeed, not only increase one component (the weight on the bar) is useless very quickly (we are quickly limited). Therefore a strategy to take into account all the components that we have seen, to progress optimally.

The training notebook

And for that, we must keep a training log. Why? For it is impossible, on a year to remember loads of drives of a particular session and thus to decide what will be the wiser in terms of progressive overload.

A training log will allow you to track from session to session overload, but you will also be able to check on other criteria (2 months, 3 months, 10 meetings ...) and detect anomalies, overload too big (or rather not enough). You will be able to monitor the type of overload that accepts every muscle best to focus on to maximum, etc.

Choice of progression factors

Do not focus on one factor at all times, but on the contrary, do not have fun trying to make progress on everything at once. Make cycles where you will focus on an increase of one or two aspects only.

For example, do not have fun to continually add weight on the bars, reduce the rest time while trying to do more to each series ... You will just crash. And above all you will not know what really is or is not progress, adapting your muscles.

Do not dream to training even advitam

Those who do not change their training regularly, which does not know exactly what cyclent no progression: you can not add the pounds on the bar at all times, you can not add reps on the bar continuously. You can not reduce the rest time indefinitely.

This is why it should not make castles in the imagining add pounds on the bar throughout the year. Instead, expect 1-3 months to increase weight, 1-3 months to reduce the rest time, 1-3 months to add repetitions to each series, 1-3 months you will gradually increase the number of drives in the week, etc.

Choose your progress, do not suffer!

Last important point

Do not cheat. An increase in the training load is equal to technique. If you add 10 K on the bar but you bounce it, you do not overload you stagnate (and more weight is useless since it is the momentum that allows movement, not the strength acquired) .

And this in all areas: Add 1 rep per set but be forced to make partial repetitions provides no different than adding one repetition clean and complete.

So in your training diary, write down everything, amplitude, cheating, sensations!


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