
Friday 12 September 2014

The secret of great calves

To have big calves, the 1st rule is to train them and the second is to train them according to their anatomical characteristics, in particular removing the elastic energy during strength exercises for calves. 

"Why is it so hard to develop his calves, how have big calves? "Is a fairly common question on the forums bodybuilding. 
How the calf muscles? 
First, for good weight calves, take into account the anatomical aspects. 

Genetics is a key component in determining the ease of development of calves. Indeed, a short calf will be difficult to develop, while a long calf respond very well to training. Some (partly due to) huge calves as they never work, or facilities to develop them. Add to this the fact that for most men, androgen receptors (which bind to testosterone) are much more abundant on the upper body than lower body, making the development of muscles of the lower body more difficult. 

Note also that the Achilles tendon has excellent stretchability. When under stress, the tendons stretch and accumulate elastic energy, which then allows the body to make an effort without tiring releasing this energy. 

Thus the human body has adapted to walking, developing a system of locomotion based on the accumulation of elastic strength rather than muscle to get around a long time without getting tired. This is also why some practitioners train their calves without results while they use huge loads, they do not actually work their muscles (but use only the spring force), and they must put a lot of weight exercises on their calves and do a lot of repetitions to feel their calves working. 

Add to this the fact that if you do not train your calves, they never will grow! Calves as much as other muscles need to be trained to grow, and the rules that apply to other muscles also apply to them. So make sure to give them sufficient rest, work intensely, and especially working out the whole calf effectively, that very few practitioners are bodybuilding. 

For there is a safe bet that if you put as much energy to work your calves your biceps or your chest, they would be much bigger than they are now. 

Also, think about working two muscles. Because even if the twins (gastrocnemius) are the superficial muscles, so the more visible, good development of soleus muscle will allow calves over their entire length.


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