
Friday 26 September 2014

How to grow ?? !!

?How to grow 

The majority of people concerned about their weight at present wish to remove their unwanted pounds. Yet there is another lesser known problem but is becoming increasingly important: these are skinny people who are wondering how to grow. Here are some tips for doing so. 

  • Understand the reasons for low weight 

If you want to know how to grow, let alone how to grow fast, we must first understand why the body has a lower than normal weight. In general, the answer is quite simple: it is a lack of food. Be careful, it is possible that the individual eats enough but it does not consume foods that provide an adequate level of calories. So the first obvious answer enough questions how fat and how to gain weight fast is to eat more, but mostly eat foods that are high in calories. 

  • Calorie foods 

It is therefore advisable to eat foods that are high in calories. Here is a list of the most recommended foods. 

First, the meat is an important source of calories. Thus, it is advisable to eat a lot of meat in order to answer the question how to grow and gain weight as fast as possible. Prefer red and fat as pork or beef meat; white meat (such as chicken or turkey) contain far fewer calories, avoid them. The meats are also high in calories, and again rather than pork chicken! 

Another important source of calories are derived from cheese. Indeed, they often contain a lot of fat. Prefer old cheese compared to young cheeses. 

Crumbs hand, eggs, nuts (especially walnuts and hazelnuts) are other recommended fat sources. 

You will also find a lot of calories in sauces, candies, pastries, pizzas and other finished products. Be aware that consuming these products is not the best way to answer the question how to grow. Indeed, the adverse effects on health can be quite severe: drastic increase in cholesterol, diabetes and other problems. 

So: eat more calories containing products? Yes, but do not eat anything either so may cause damage to your body it will be difficult to catch up. 

  • A slow metabolism. ... Calm down! 

Outside the food issue, there are other reasons for understanding an abnormally low weight and thus provide relevant information to the question how to grow answers. One explanation for the presence of too low weight is the question of metabolism. Indeed, individuals are equal before nature, some have a slow metabolism, and others have a fast metabolism. If your metabolism is fast you feel like eating all the good so you do not get so far to take a gram! Indeed those of lean body mass tend to burn calories very quickly. 

To control his energy and not to spend too quickly, relaxation exercises can be very useful and thus provide a satisfactory answer to the question how to grow. A particularly interesting technique is the practice of Tai chi chuan. Indeed, the Chinese martial art is known for its ability to channel the energy. Using circular and continuous motion, Tai Chi practitioners improve their flexibility to work on their breathing and especially soothe their minds. An alternative may be the practice of yoga. 

  • A hormonal disorder: growth hormone 

In some cases, the making of a lean body mass may be due to a too low quantity production of growth hormone or somatropin. Indeed, this hormone that is produced throughout life, helps grow and maintain bones, but also the organs and muscles. 

A simple answer to the question of how to grow seems to be to compensate for this lack of somatropin and consume either in tablet form or via injections. This solution can be effective but must be extremely careful; indeed, only a doctor can prescribe this treatment and it should be very controlled. Indeed, this same somatropin is very controversial because its use has been severely criticized in many doping cases. And, because it is often the same substance that is ingested.


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