
Monday 20 October 2014

Endurance sports and fitness

For all sports, cardio plays an important role and perhaps even central to the development of his physical condition. As part of a plan view of a dry, he is supposed to lose fat or so just to improve his endurance. But the question that comes unleashes crowds from stress how long do we lose our fat? 

From how long do you lose fat? 

endurence sport and fitness

30 to 40 minutes is too often the time announced to start "kicking the fat." Probably result in a series of commonalities, this figure is fortunately or unfortunately an aberration. To understand this, let us proceed to a brief summary. 

The body uses ATP to convert chemical energy (carbohydrates and company) into mechanical energy (muscle contractions). It has in store for 2 to 3 seconds ATP and 7-8 seconds Creatine phosphate that is converted to ATP. These substrates are used by the anaerobic alactic die which, although starting at the same time as the other two (aerobic and anaerobic lactic acid) is the preferred die early effort, when the muscle is not oxygenated. 

The die anaerobic lactic meanwhile reached its optimal efficiency between the first and second minutes of exercise and aerobic system in less than 4 minutes (with sedentary, less in athletes). 

As this graph shows, after 10 minutes of effort the aerobic system reached its maximum, and therefore burn up to its substrate, which you guessed it is none other than fat. The extremely simple conclusion is that after 5 minutes of exercise are already consumes relatively large quantity in fat, but that after 10 minutes the body consumes a maximum fat (more after a half hour). 

At what intensity run? 

Thus one can come to the second question, often raised but rarely avoided, what is the optimal intensity for fat loss? 

  If we stop at a simple Revenue Recognition, one might say that the more you run faster, more energy is consumed. This is true for humans and almost all animals but if we want to lose as much fat as possible that truth becomes false. Again take the time to find the correct answer, which is probably different from what too many people tânonnent, repeating what they were told. 

It is simple when popularized: glycogen used to fast pace is lost when it is necessary to burn fat. It indeed provides the substrates required for the aerobic utilization of carbohydrates and lipids. Or the body tends to save as soon as possible its glycogen to have in case of extreme emergency. 

So if you are running at 100% of your VMA, you will burn a large mass of glycogen, reducing course fat intake. Hence the famous phrase: fire burn fat carbohydrates. Understand that is necessary for glycogen in bold. 

To keep a fairly low recruitment slow fibers and thus consume little glycogen, do not run by consuming more than 50% of VO2 max for a sedentary (maximum volume of oxygen that each person can eat) and 60-70 % for a trained athlete. 

At what point do his cardio session? 

The exact time of the day is actually unimportant, although the late afternoon seems when one is physically and physiologically speaking better prepared. A common question is whether it is good or not to do cardio after weight training. The answer to this question is stated above. 
To workout consumes glycogen amount that will no longer be available to "burn fat". So avoid to do cardio after weight training if you want to lose a maximum of fat, while keeping a large muscle development. 
The opposite, ie to its endurance session before weight training is not really recommended either unless you want to see its reduced due to low power performance. 

Can I run on an empty stomach? 

Even an idea that originated the abomination that losing fat is possible that after three quarters of an hour of effort. No, running on an empty stomach is not used to type faster in fat, it just used to burn less fat and promote gluconeogenesis, ie to dig into the muscle stores (muscle protein). 
So avoid running fasting, especially at the outset you do not feel yourself tired but a sudden drop would smash !. 

Why does it happen to me to have a change of course? 
This limits the lactic anaerobic pathway is not the lack of glycogen but the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscle and a change in muscle pH. If you feel tired is because of this lactic acid buildup that usually occurs between 3 ° and 15 ° minutes of effort. This comes from a race pace too high which indicates a strong participation of the anaerobic alactic industry. 
The purpose of the training of middle-distance runners in particular is to delay the fatigue effect as much as possible in order to run at a very fast pace as long as possible. 

Should we eat or drink anything after? 

You have to drink to compensate for water loss, trace elements and minerals occasioned an endurance session. Whether or not the plan, the endurance-type cardio session allows to have a double effect: the loss of fat but also muscle hypertrophy. This second point which has not yet been addressed. 
Once glycogen stores of reduced muscle, the goal is to get compensation. The phenomenon that the reconstructed lost glycogen is more than 100% and gives an improvement of glycogen reserves. Glycogen is stored in the sarcoplasm of the muscle, this overcompensation increase muscle volume. 
From this finding, it is not difficult to guess what to take as a snack after sports endurance session. 

We need to respect these rules: The ingestion of solid foods should not be done before one hour after the end of the effort. Consuming a lot of simple and complex carbohydrates in liquid form to produce an insulin spike. 

How often do his endurance training? 

The aim is to benefit from this effect of overcompensation while not tiring too the Central Nervous System. Glycogen resynthesis is performed in two phases, respectively during 24 hours and 48 hours. For efficiency and optimal recovery, it would therefore leave 72 hours between two cardio sessions in a person little training. This time can be reduced to 50 hours in subjects accustomed to the effort. You decide where you stand, but do not go running every day unless they couple a hyper carbohydrate diet and do any other sports nearby. 

The Cardio training, more for bodybuilding? 

Except squat in long series, the cardiorespiratory system is generally not sought during our training workouts. 
It is therefore essential to work in "aerobic" if you want to be in good shape and not get winded on the slightest exertion cardiovascular. 
You can use this activity as a warm-up at the beginning of the workout session. For example, 10 to 15 minutes of stepper or stationary bike will do. Endurance training cardio type is more important for strength and works the muscles in a different way. 

  Be careful, too much endurance training is detrimental to the mass uptake. Indeed, cardio and strength training draw on the reserve. The body has its limits, excessive endurance training can mitigate schools recoveries of bodybuilding and vice versa. 
It's all about balance! 
By conducting activities during your rest days when you do not do strength training, you compromise the progress you could have done. 
This is not to say that you should try to do anything else in the room, but do not waste your time and resources for the recovery by doing aerobics, especially if you have trouble eating enough and your calorie intake is insufficient. 

You can make 2 to maximum 3 cardio sessions per week, lasting 30 to 45 minutes. This is a good compromise, and it allows you to be more complete. 
The cardio is not bad for muscle mass, provided it is not practiced in excess. So do not banish your favorites like soccer, jogging, boxing, swimming and mountain biking activities. 
A section of the forum is dedicated to cardio activities and endurance sports. You can draw information or come and discuss your favorite sports.


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