
Saturday 8 November 2014

The benefits of sex for health


In one of the most credible studies correlating overall health with the frequency of sexual activity

Queens University of Belfast observed mortality than a thousand middle-aged men about. The study was designed to compare people of different ages and similar health status, working in the same circumstances. The results, published in 1997 in the British Medical Journal, showed that men reporting the highest frequency of orgasms are twice lower than most sober mortality.

Other studies show that sexual practice, be it a few times per week, the following health effects:

Improved sense of smell:

After the sexual act, the production of prolactin hormone hitting a peak, which leads to the production of neurons in the brain in the olfactory bulb, the center of smell.

Reducing the risk of cardio-vascular

In continuation of the study of Queens Universty mentioned above, researchers showed in 2001 that a frequency of three or more reports per week halved the risk of heart attack.
The co-author of the report, Dr. Shah Ebrahim has demonstrated a very British humor, saying: "The relationship found between frequency of sexual activity and mortality is of considerable public interest."

Weight loss, improved form

Before anything else, sex is exercise. Strong coupling results in the loss of 200 calories, the same as current 15 minutes on a treadmill or playing a game of squash.
Heart rate increases by 70 beats per minute, up to 150.

During the act, the muscles of the pelvis, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck, thorax are solicited. Testosterone production is stimulated, which strengthens bones and muscles.
The Men's Health magazine will qualify to bed best workout equipment ever.

Better resistance to depression

That was the conclusion of a 2002 study of 293 women. American psychologist Gordon Gallup showed that sexually active participants whose partners did not use condoms were less subject to depression than those whose partners used to.
One theory of causality: The prostoglandine, a hormone found only in semen, would be absorbed by female genital areas, with an effect of control on female hormones.

Better resistance to pain

Immediately before orgasm, the level of the hormone oxytocin is increased by five times. This causes the release of endorphins, which relieves all types of pain, headaches, arthritis through migraine.
In women, sex stimulates the production of estrogen which can reduce premenstrual pain.

Better bladder control

Monitoring the flow of urine is done by all of the muscles that are biased during intercourse.

Best teeth:

Seminal fluid contains zinc, calcium, and other minerals which retard deterioration of the tooth. The method of distribution of liquid is left to the reader's imagination.
The researchers noted incidentally that the customs and traditions we want to brush your teeth after intimate act, as it would provide better oral hygiene!
Aesculapius offers before !!

Better Prostate

Some urologists see a relationship between infrequency of ejaculation and cancer of the prostate.
The argument is as follows: To make sperm, prostate and seminal vesicles drain on substances such as zinc, citric acid and potassium and concentrated up to 600 times. All carcinogens potentially present in the blood would be concentrated in the same way, a phenomenon likely to cause cancer. It should therefore evacuate ... that allows for copulation.

However, if the cleaning of the prostate is the sole aim, then masturbation is preferred, especially for men in polygamous tendencies. Indeed, multiply sexual partners may increase the risk of cancer in humans up to 40%, only because it increases the risk of contracting venereal disease. A recent study published in the British Journal of Urology International claims that men between 20 and 30 years can reduce their chance of developing prostate cancer by a third by ejaculating more than five times per week.


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