
Saturday 4 October 2014

9 ways to naturally increase testosterone!


Why try to increase it? 

Because the chemical environment and the food to expose us increasingly pollutant problems that compromise its secretion. 
She is involved, certainly, in sexuality and reproduction, but also determines muscle mass, hair growth, bone density, red blood cells. She begins to decline around age 30. 

How to tell if you need it? 

Libido problems, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, lack of memory, and storage of fat at the waist ... are signs should not be overlooked. 

How the booster? 

There are pure hormones, discouraged and not to take out medical supervision. They are not without side effects on the health and physical, and can be downright dangerous, but it is not our purpose here. 

Of course, it may be assisted by hormonal stimulants with natural nutrients such as amino acids or some exotic ingredients (plants, Tribulus, Massularia, aspartic acid, HMB, HICA, arginine). These are free of side effects and the influence of hormones existing in making it more available to the muscle. 

There are also 9 really means so effective and easy to implement, in terms of training as the diet to increase testosterone. 

1) Lose weight 

The more you are overweight, the higher your testosterone levels are low. To lose weight, it's pretty simple: just remove sources of sugars, fructose fruits, fruit juices, refined sugars. Fructose consumption does not exceed 25 g per day. Also avoid milk and lactose sources, cereals, biscuits, processed foods. Prefer vegetables and good fats that are necessary for the metabolism and testosterone

2) Practice HIT 

The intensity of the training that you are talking all the time in Fitadium, it's not for nothing! Indeed, a short and very intense exercise is beneficial to elevate testosterone levels, in contrast to moderate exercise. 
Warm up for three minutes, work as hard as possible for 30 seconds until exhaustion. Recover 1mn30 and repeat 7 times not to exceed 20 minutes of intense training. 

3) Use of intermittent fasting 

This type of scheme is to train on an empty stomach, for example, stimulates the increase of testosterone by increasing satiety hormone levels (insulin, leptin, adipopectine, GLP-1 (glucacon-like peptide-1) CCK (cholecystokinin) ... that potentiate the effects of testosterone. disadvantage is that you should not be fasting too long. This pro-testosterone effect is further increased if fasting is cut with Whey protein after year. 

4) Go to the gym 


Do weight training is a sure way to increase testosterone, provided you do not train too long (1:15 max), if rates go down again and also provided to train "intensely" is -to say slowly with fewer reps but with heavier weights and on polyarticular exercises (squats for example), to "feel" all the muscle fiber. 

5) Reduce Stress 

Stress releases a hormone that has disastrous consequences on the level of testosterone: cortisol. This hormone is intended to limit risky behavior (mating, aggression, rivalry) in case of a survival situation to better focus on the fight or flight. The modern world is a source of stress, it reduces libido and aggression needed in training for the benefit of cortisol, which in the long-term repeatedly blocks the effects of testosterone. So learn to relax, to breathe to one notch down your nervousness and let go in times of stress: you will less fat! 

6) Take Vitamins 

Many people unknowingly lack of vitamin D or because they deliberately shun the sun, or because they live in less sunny areas, either because they spend a lot of time locked up without realizing that this in the office, at home or in transport. 
The solution is to expose a bare minimum arm, because vitamin D is fixed by the forearm, or take vitamin supplements! This is a minimum to maximize the testosterone level and stay healthy. The B vitamins are also important and involved in many chemical processes including the B6 found in tuna, salmon, red meat, sunflower, potatoes. 

7) Increase your intake of Zinc 

Consuming foods rich in zinc for 6 weeks will help you increase your testosterone levels. Zinc prevents the action effect of the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen. It is found in the liver, red meat such as beef, mussels, oysters, wheat, sesame, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, peanuts ... You may deficiencies if you are vegetarian, but also farming techniques mean mass (based pesticides and insecticides) which deplete the soil. Cooking also lowered their zinc content. The solution? take ZMA zinc, magnesium aspartate and vitamin B6. 

8) Add fat to your diet 

In diets, we miss all the wrong fats. It is a mistake, he should eat some, especially floods and polyunsaturated vegetable sources such as olive oil, nuts, avocados. What is not so good for testosterone, are animal sources that lower level. But fats are essential to building muscle, unlike sugars, grains and starches that interfere with weight and testosterone. Omega 6 are interesting, especially arachidonic acid, involved in the process by which the cholesterol is converted into testosterone. This process is very complex and from sugars to be converted through several chemical and metabolic testosterone stages. 

9) Take BCAA 

Taking BCAA post-training positively influences testosterone levels. BCAAs are naturally found in whey protein and most complex of amino acids. They are also found in dairy products. This is leucine which is most effective for testosterone. It should not be taken but only associated with other BCAA (isoleucine and valine) in a specific ratio.


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