
Friday 3 October 2014

7 Reasons why I am not taking muscle?

You go every day to the room and you despair at the volume of your biceps or your thighs that will not change. Sometimes it's silly, but it persists in one direction and plague against the results that are not waiting for you, then it's probably just not the right way. Do not hesitate to question your decision to ground, whether in terms of training or nutrition, for all it takes is a few changes drive to restart your progress and motivate you! ! Here are 7 possible reasons that prevent you from taking ground.
After reading this, tonight, you'll take ... the mass !!!

Reason # 1: You always follow the same program 

You always follow the same program

Although it is at the top, complete and perfectly suits your purpose, your program is not meant to be followed for a lifetime. You must change strategy, the order of exercises, increase loads gradually ... Another thing you can try a radically different training program on a cycle (GVT, hardcore ...) and if you really are addicted to your program , come back to it later, while adapting to your progress, remembering to always break the monotony few weeks a year.

Reason # 2: You have lost sight of the goal

You have lost sight of the goal

If you do not know why you train, it is easier to skip a session or not to put the necessary intensity in training. Refocus on the reason that brought you to the room such as losing weight or become muscular, but that objective is too vague. It should give you milestones with dates and specific such as losing 3 cm in size before summer or lift 140 kg to the press three months performance. It is measurable and there are steps every day, every week, to do to get there.

Reason # 3: You lack technical

You lack technical

It's good to be diligent, motivated, but it's not enough. If you run badly miss your movements and technique, they will be less effective in reaching your goal. Learn, ask the coach of the room and imitate the more experienced who will teach you how to position your hands, how you place below, how far or how to fold down the legs to improve your technique and gain more muscle.

Reason # 4: You do not leave enough time for recovery


All you want to progress and assuming that this is practice makes perfect, you tirelessly matraquez your muscles to the room each day or for several hours, forgetting that muscle development occurs during rest. Remember to sleep (at least 7 hours of good sleep every night), more if possible. It is during sleep that the hormones do their job and help build muscle. While recovering it's also good nutrition especially after exercise, focusing on protein and good quality food (avoid fast food)

Reason # 5: You are demotivated


Find a room with people who have physical of your dreams and watch them, listen to them, this will give juice for your workouts. If their goals are the same as you, you'll be inspired by wanting to be like them. Avoid high schools for girls if you want to be huge, because you will not find a training partner can push you beyond your limits. Even if at first you had chosen a venue near you it may be time to change, to find a new life and break the monotony.

Reason # 6: You're doing too much cardio

You're doing too much cardio

If you want to get bigger, do not make too much cardio. Cardio builds endurance, but if you want to grow and gain strength, you need to focus on weight training and do not waste your time with cardio. You need all your energy to lift heavier, so do not waste it. If you really feel like spending, limit yourself to once a week and preferably not the days of weight training, to be sure to gain mass.

Reason # 7: You Train a portion of your muscles

portion of your muscles

In addition to the volume of training, number of sessions and series, intensity, we must also not neglect certain muscle groups. Sometimes targeting specific muscles, we forget to work with others that are invaluable for the muscle mass and to balance the silhouette. Remember to be massive, it must develop muscle mass, so work the major muscle groups. Remember that all the muscles in your body are made to work together, and some studies even claim that the arms work strengthens the legs and back. Just do not work the same day but at different sessions.


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