
Saturday 25 October 2014

the top 5 of Nutrition supplements

You train regularly to gain muscle mass but you do not get results or little? Maybe dietary supplements are a good option for you.

Whey protein

Fans of bodybuilding and bodybuilders can improve performance and gain lean muscle mass by consuming whey protein supplements. Whey protein supplies the body with a large amount of proteins as well as high concentrations of calcium, magnesium and other minerals that are easily digested .in liquid form.

Whey is usually taken before and after a workout to improve muscle recovery and recovery. If you are on a target gain muscle mass or concerned about the loss of body fat, taking supplements of whey protein during exercise program can accelerate the desired gains.

Some of the key benefits of whey proteins:

  • Ideal for lactose intolerant
  • Improves muscle recovery
  • Natural appetite suppressant
  • Provides the body amino acid  
  • Improves metabolism

Recommended dosage: consume 30-40 grams of whey protein at a time. Best used before and after training. It is also a convenient way to obtain the necessary amount of protein when the usual food is not enough. However, do not rely solely on dietary supplements. Although a shaker whey protein post workout is ideal at all other times of the day, do your best to supply you conventionally. 


Creatine is a naturally occurring substance mainly localized in the skeletal muscle tissue where about 95% of the supply of creatine in the human body can be found. The rest is stored in the rest of the body. This natural metabolite has been reproduced in the form of creatine monohydrate for the purpose of dietary supplements. It is used for the production of cell energy.

The advantages of creatine:

  • Promotes lean muscle tissue
  • Increases the volume of muscle cells
  • Allows faster recovery after training
  • Increases glycogen synthesis
  • Increases muscle performance high intensity

Athletes usually prefer creatine during strength training and bodybuilding because of the speed with which muscle mass is built. Similarly, for many, it is easy to stop taking creatine because it is produced naturally by the body. When an athlete stops taking the supplement, creatine levels in the body to return to normal in 3-4 weeks.

Recommended Dosage: 5-10 grams. Take half your daily dose with your pre-workout and the second half with your post-workout meal shaker.

Beta Alanine

It is a nonessential amino natural found in foods that are rich in protein AS poultry acid. Beta Alanine (BA) increases intramuscular carnosine levels.

During a high-intensity exercise, the body builds up a large amount of hydrogen which causes a decrease of our pH (which becomes more acidic). This acidification (lactic acid) can cause fatigue, decreased muscle performance and stops the neural player that can force muscle failure. Maintaining carnosine increased by taking supplements of GSH levels, a bodybuilder is able to delay the accumulation of hydrogen and the resulting acidity, and delay muscle fatigue and failure.

The benefits of Beta Alanine:

  • high endurance
  • improved strength
  • reduces fatigue
  • Improving body composition
  • Acts synergistically with creatine
  • Improved performance for athletes regardless of the intensity or duration.

Recommended Dosage: 2-3 grams pre-workout is sufficient. If you are an advanced level, additional 2-3 grams post-workout to help the recovery process.

Protein BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acid)

Another type of food that those looking to gain muscle mass supplements is familiar with the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA for Branch-Chain Amino Acid). Of the 21 amino acids of the human body, are called three BCAA: leucine, isoleucine and valine. These are the key elements and represents approximately 30% of skeletal muscle in the body.

The body uses BCAA to help muscles recover. AS a supplement of whey protein, BCAA will lead nutrients to the muscle for better recovery after workouts tissue. The body will naturally burn BCAA during your workout, so take a supplement can restore the same nutrients lost during intense exercise. This supplement also reduces pain related to muscle fatigue and improves metabolic recovery.

BCAAs can help improve endurance by keeping the muscles supplied, which is particularly useful during long periods AS running (marathon), swimming over long distances, or any other extended training session.

Recommended Dosage: 3-5 grams upon waking and 3-5 grams pre and post workout.


Glutamine is touted for its ability to slow the breakdown of muscle tissue during intense exercise and can help to improve levels of strength and endurance. Those who consume it will realize they can lift heavier weights for longer periods and more often. Pushing the limits of the human body muscles demand to produce more lean muscle mass to compensate.

Glutamine has also a number of other advantages:

Preservation of muscle tissue allows your body to burn extra fat - your body has more lean, more efficient muscle metabolism.
Glutamine has been shown to improve the immune system in those taking the supplement. When you are in intense training, it imposes constraints not only for the muscles, but also for our entire immune system.
Glutamine improves growth hormone levels in the body. It is a major attraction for those who want to focus on building muscle, as studies have suggested that only 2 grams of glutamine supplements can increase growth hormone.
Muscle tissue need nitrogen, and glutamine supplements consist of approximately 20% nitrogen, which are very good for the nitrogen suppliers muscle tissue.
Recommended dosage: 5 grams on waking, 5 grams post-workout and 5 grams before bed.


  1. Under the kitty of imported products , Aleo International is exclusively importing / distributing products for Cytosport, Elite Labs, ABSN, Fitness Authority and Kevin Levrone in India .

    Monster Creatine
    Monster Amino
    True Recovery
    Levro Whey Supreme
    Levro ISO Whey

  2. Under the kitty of imported products , Aleo International is exclusively importing / distributing products for Cytosport, Elite Labs, ABSN, Fitness Authority and Kevin Levrone in India .

    Monster Creatine
    Monster Amino
    True Recovery
    Levro Whey Supreme
    Levro ISO Whey
