
Sunday 16 November 2014

How to lose abdominal fat in one month !

13 tips for visible abs and a healthy body!

In this article I will address the main the most effective ways to reduce your abdominal fat / visceral.

Abdominal fat is of two types:

1 visceral fat, located deep between the internal organs

2 abdominal subcutaneous fat located between the skin and abdominal muscles
I address first the issue of visceral fat and secondly the issue of subcutaneous fat, which hides your "chocolate bar" at the end of article.

The fatty tissue is not inert and contains a number of enzymes that contribute to the formation of different hormones. Significantly fat cells express the enzyme "aromatase" that produces estrogen, the feminizing hormones. Excess aromatase in humans causes a decrease in production of testosterone, infertility, erectile dysfunction and accelerates the storage of fat in the abdominal region (more than fat so cause more estrogen, which cause more fat, it is a vicious circle).

Visceral fat significantly increase the amount of interleukin-6 and TNF-alpha in the blood, two molecules that play important roles in intracellular communication and in the mechanisms of inflammation. This is why having visceral fat was associated strongly and independently with the resistance of cells to insulin, a condition that favors the development of type 2 diabetes but also with the risk of cardiovascular problems and inflammatory diseases.

Control its visceral fat is important for health, libido, to increase muscle mass and dry (too much estrogen promotes fat storage).

Here are some simple and effective ways to get rid of belly fat:

1. Get enough sleep 

Many studies have shown a profound impact of sleep deprivation on metabolism.

In particular, the chronic lack of sleep or shift work increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, lowers testosterone levels and increases appetite. Lack of sleep increases especially visceral fat.

Finally, a recent study has shown that lack of sleep stimulates areas of the brain and pushes us to make less healthy food choices.

You must try to sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night (depending on personal sensitivity).

2. How to choose starchy

High glycemic index food consumption increases insulin resistance and diabetes risk. It promotes the storage of abdominal fat. Apart from a few special cases (see the Force Nutrition), it is necessary to choose carbohydrates low glycemic index. But be careful!

The "complete" foods do not always have a low glycemic index! Wholemeal bread and wholemeal bread in particular have a high glycemic index. To understand how to differentiate and choose carbohydrates, read this article by Professor Jennie Brand Miller, a researcher at the largest specialist world of glycemic index.

3. Monitor fructose

Fructose is a sugar whose metabolism is different from that of others as glucose. It can not be immediately used by the muscles and must first pass through the liver where it is easily converted into fat. When you eat foods rich in fructose as fruit juices, sweets, pastries and soft drinks, fructose rapidly enters the bloodstream and liver did not have time to use it to provide energy . It then converts the fat circulating in the blood in the form of triglycerides, cause accumulation of visceral fat and predispose to type 2 diabetes (and others).

Conversely fructose fruits and vegetables reached more slowly through the liver and fiber they contain is not converted into fat. Natural whole fruit so you can eat as much as you want but you have to limit all processed products, even fruit juices. Limit or delete consumption sodas, sweets or sugary products industry.

4. Eat more slowly

People who eat quickly have changes in appetite. The excessively rapid ingestion of food prevents proper production of hormones that regulate appetite, pushing to eat more and therefore to store more fat. In addition, it is possible that these hormones negatively impacting the cardiovascular risk and promote storage of abdominal fat.

A meal should never be eaten in less than 15-20 minutes.

5. How to choose fats

Trans fatty acids are fats that are found mostly in industrial products. Increasingly scarce due to their proven health risk (increased cardiovascular risk and cancer) encouraging the emergence of visceral fat. You can identify on product labels as the "hydrogenated fat" or "partially hydrogenated fats".

Other fatty acids are important for the waistline: omega-3 fatty acids. An excess of omega-6 and / or a lack of omega-3 fatty acids promotes the storage of fat in general and visceral fat in particular.

6. Know how to consume alcohol 

Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol (7 kcal per gram) and carbohydrates (4 kcal per gram), it is therefore a source of calories that can potentially make you fat.

In addition, several studies have shown that heavy alcohol consumption accelerated fat storage in the abdomen, especially visceral level. However this link is not observed in moderate drinkers.

Alcohol in reasonable quantities reduces cardiovascular mortality and all-cause mortality while increasing very rapidly when alcohol consumption increases.

Finally, small amounts of alcohol may have benefits for weight training (to see in a future article). Women should not consume more than 2 glasses of wine (or equivalent) per day and no more than 4 for men. Alcoholic beverages should preferably be consumed during meals.

7. Avoid Bisphenol A

Bisphenol A is a substance used in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastics and some other plastics. Bisphenol A binds very strongly 3B3 nuclear receptor is a hormone receptor. In other words, BPA is an endocrine disruptor, that is to say, it disrupts the functioning of hormones, particularly estrogen, the feminizing hormones.

Specifically, bisphenol A increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes probably decreases fertility and promotes fat gain.

To avoid this, you must know where he is hiding: in transparent and rigid plastics. So in water bottles (large capacity jerrycans but not the classic individual water bottles are PET) coatings cans (major source of bisphenol A), cans, plastic containers, utensils, etc.

In place of these plastics, use glass utensils, metal (especially stainless steel) or ceramic. The plastic should never be heated or past the microwave, it accelerates the release of toxic.

8. Avoid Phthalates

Phthalates are chemicals used in industry to make soft plastics. These substances are also of EDCs by a different mechanism of bisphenol A.

In addition, certain phthalates such as DEHP (Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate) activate PPAR receptors are nuclear receptors that control the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Phthalates and increase cardiovascular risks and abdominal fat.

Here are some major sources of phthalates: nail polish and cosmetics, children's toys, plastic gloves and food packaging, deodorants, some soaps, household dust, soft plastic containers. Again, limit the use of plastic products, never heat them and choose glass, metal (stainless steel) and ceramics where possible.

9. Beware of tap water

I recently had conversations with Professor Jean-François Narbonne, a professor of toxicology at the University of Bordeaux, an expert at the ANSES (National Health Security Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational ) and considered the best French expert in toxicology.

He and analysis conducted by its teams, although the danger of phthalates and bisphenol A is real, another danger is even greater, these drug residues found in drinking water. Indeed, many drugs are found in wastewater and in the rivers, oceans and groundwater because people throw them away instead of bringing the pharmacy for recycling.

This problem is important because the most solved in water medicament is female contraceptive pill, which contains derivatives of estrogen. Estrogens activate more strongly the estrogen receptor as bisphenol A and the amounts present in water are, moreover, much greater.

Currently there are no technically and financially affordable method to filter these substances. Tap water to drink is therefore to swallow birth control pills and paracetamol (second most common contaminant). And because studies show that in some polluted places in the Mediterranean basin is no longer found that female fish! As a reminder, estrogens promote the storage of body fat and will reduce testosterone levels and fertility if present in excess. To avoid this source of disturbing the only solution is to drink bottled water, Evian and Volvic are the purest from the analyzes of Prof. Narbonne.

10. physical activity

Whether you are a sports endurance or strength, intensity of exercise plays a role in the abdominal lipolysis. Thus increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts if the only dietary measures are not effective fairly quickly.

11. Check the stress

Stress increases the production of a catabolic hormone, cortisol. This in turn promotes the storage of fat in the abdomen. Reducing stress is a way to monitor the line. For this to work your personal development, help you book, your surroundings, etc.

Once these steps have been taken, visceral fat tends to decrease and with it the subcutaneous fat. Your stomach will therefore appear more easily. To complete your line, it will ensure that two fundamental elements are adjusted:

12. Having a good food program

For top results, you need a personal training but also a personalized nutrition. This does not come to the idea of working out with the same weight and the same exercises that a champion bodybuilder who trains for 20 years older than you?

Food that is exactly the same, each person according to his level to different needs. To achieve this, several solutions are possible: being followed by a professional coach; follow a diet program that you customize to your needs (eg dietary dry Program); create your own food program under the guidance of articles written by competent persons or create your personalized nutritional program with the guidance of a book.

In most cases, this is a broken food program that prevents having abdominal cut goods or succeed his regime and dry.

13. Train your abs

To understand the importance of this point we must understand how lipolysis (the use of fat to provide energy) when you do sports, your body will produce hormones that mobilize the fat in our reserves.

This mobilization is general: fat buttocks, arms, torso and elsewhere mobilized, regardless of the type of effort you practice. It is said that lipolysis is global. It has often been said and repeated that it was not possible to lose body fat at a particular location. This is true, but on the other hand, what is less known is that lipolysis is as local as long as these are sustained muscle contractions and repeated.

In other words: if you do abs for a long time, you use fat throughout your body to provide energy BUT you use a little more fat located in the abdominal region. This is the reason that bodybuilders find for centuries that the drive of a particular muscle for long hours tended to make it dry. So you need to do abdominal, this should last long and you have to feel the onset of the burn. To help, we do not count the repetitions in numbers but in time. Take, for example 20 minutes of abdominal executed 4 times for 5 minutes separated by a minute of rest.


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