
Sunday 7 December 2014

The BEST Nutrition program for weight loss fast!


Reduce calorie intake to lose maximum fat.


- Ratio of contributions in macronutrients: Carbohydrates 20% / 70% Protein / 10% Fat
- Number of Meals & Snacks Middle / Day: 6
- Mean Time between shots: 2/3 hours
- Hydration Average / Day: 2 Litres


The quality of food is essential to get the best result, then adjust the amount to the goal.
1g carbohydrate = 4 kcal; 1g protein = 4 kcal; 1g Fat = 9 kcal
Drive about 5 meals a day helps maintain constant blood sugar and promote a constant anabolic state. Generally favor Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.
Provide protein for each food intake helps assimilate fully because the body can not store them for use when needed. Target-rich foods priority alternating proteins with protein powder.
Think of the good fats (nuts, fish, olive oil ...), avoid saturated fats (sauces, fries ..).
Not too much salt, use spices instead.
Prefer steam cooking in the oven or grill without fat.
Do not skip meals and make sure to drink at least 2 to 2.5 liters of water / day for well-drained body and increase the volume of muscle cells.


In this phase, you need to change your diet to lose a maximum weight, reduce calorie intake, ie first the fats and sugars.
- Remove sugary soft drinks;
- Remove alcohols;
- Avoid eating away from home because it is more difficult to control your diet.
- Select lean meat and prefer poultry without the skin, fish and shellfish;
- Watch out for hidden fats: avoid all meat in sauce, sausages, casseroles rich in milk, butter or cream, cheese and eggs, fried foods, cakes and pastries, sweets and chocolate, ice cream, cakes aperitifs;
- Eat vegetables at will and in all forms: raw, cooked in soup;
- Eat two fruit per day, but no more;
The intake of carbohydrates (rice, pasta, potatoes, cereals, gainer, etc ..) should be very down to each food intake to lose maximum fat and concentrated in the morning and at noon, preferably removed at night 
Proteins (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, ...) are required to feed the muscles and should be made in a more sustained.
You will need to retain the essential fat (omega-3, vegetable oils, fatty fish, ...) that will help hold the regime and are very important for your health, you will consume between 0.5 and 1 gram of fat per kilogram body weight. Fats have a role in the hormonal system, they are essential to the proper functioning of muscles, but also the loss of fat. And yes, fats help to lose fat!
So do not delete them fat to lose fat!
It will also promote vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower ...) that provide vitamins and minerals to prevent deficiencies.

Supplements that you can take fat burners will be to assist you in your weight loss.

The CARNITINE as you make during your session.
L-Carnitine plays the role of creative energy. It also relates to improved muscle growth, in the manufacture of energy and a better resistance to the muscle fatigue. Discloses the role of carnitine for its role in the cardiovascular system, on the blood pressure, the accelerated loss of fat and the health of the cardiac muscle, and others.

IMPORTANT: All these generic order information should be your basis for defining your own diet program. Everyone has a metabolism, a morphotype and very different genetics. Feel free to modify certain characteristics or food provided to obtain the best result. 

BREAKFAST: 30g protein (casein or whey lean) with 250 ml of water or 5 egg whites
Wholemeal bread 60g or 50g of Special K cereal with complete soy milk
tea or coffee

SNACK: Tuna 50g natural or chicken breasts 70g salted or protein powder 20g with 250ml of water
1 apple or 1 kiwi or strawberries 130g

LUNCH: 150g white meat or white fish 170g
120g quinoa or brown rice
green vegetables will (beans, broccoli ...) with 1/2 tablespoon olive oil

SNACK: 5 egg whites or 110 grams of ham fat and 25g of protein (casein or whey lean) with 250ml of water
40g wholemeal bread

DINNER: 180g white meat or white fish 190g
green vegetables will with 1/2 tbsp oil

SNACK: 20g protein (casein) with 250ml of water or 200g white cheese  0%
40cl infusion of cherry stems


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