
Thursday 2 October 2014


To increase muscle strength (relative or maximum), must comply with certain rules (improved intramuscular coordination and central nervous system, increased muscle size, etc ...). 

In terms of strength, two concepts exist: 
- Maximum force; 
- Relative strength. 

The first is the maximum voltage that can exercise a muscle. The second depends on the weight of the practitioner, this is the maximum voltage per pound of body weight. 

Relative Strength: 

To increase the relative strength is simple: to lose weight while maintaining strength. As discussed above, the strength depends greatly on the size of the muscle, so it is not possible to be very thin and very strong. So there is some correlation between muscle size and strength, so the weight between the practitioner and strength. It is for this reason that in combat sports (boxing or judo for example type) fighters are categorized by weight classes. 

To improve this ratio, we must have the largest volume possible with muscular body weight as low as possible, and to do this it is essential to be dry, that is to say, have little of fat. This fat is an unnecessary weight that all athletes classified by weight must seek to eliminate. 

Maximum Strength: 

Increasing the maximal force may in three ways: 
- Improve intramuscular coordination and central nervous system. This method increases the number of simultaneously contracted muscle fibers and improve the contraction of assistance that can help performance muscles. This type of gain is realized by doing workouts like strength, so using large core exercises and short, heavy sets (more than 77% of your 1RM) for a brief and very intense work. It allows little muscle gain, earnings are 90% here nervous. 

- Increasing the size of the muscles. Mechanically, if muscle size increases, the potential strength also increases (it is enough then to learn to tap this potential force). This increase in muscle size is the goal of bodybuilding: hypertrophy is obtained with drives based on larger and lighter longer series (between 60% and 77% of 1RM). 

- A mixture of these two combinations: to play both ways, alternating. 

Regardless of the format used, it must be aware of one thing: the PTO follows a set pattern: 

- Phase 1: Improving the nerve supply, so the force increases as the CNS better use existing muscles: improved contraction, use more fiber ... There is therefore here a pure PTO, no mass uptake. This is what often happens in the first strength training sessions or when doing a typical drive Force. Once this adaptation is maximal, it is no longer possible to gain strength in this way, then we move on to Phase 2; 

- Phase 2: Muscle hypertrophy: increased muscle size. When the nervous gain is no longer possible, and provided that environmental permits (recovery, nutrition, ...), the body has no other solution than to grow muscles. 

Immediate improvement in strength: 

You can also produce a rapid but brief increase in strength, thanks to the technique of potentiation or potentiation. 

This method involves lifting a heavy weight (120% of normal load) to make some movements with very low amplitude. For example, for the bench press, if you want to make your Max 100kg, 120kg lift a bar, to do just a few swings 5-10cm amplitude. 

Then lower the bar and wait 2 minutes and make your series. You will have more strength to your series to 100kg. 

This method helps stimulate the nervous system, after lifting heavy is much more effective in your series. 

Be careful not to use to the series, because this technique is exhausting nervously.


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