
Thursday 20 November 2014

How to get big arms? Method 3 points!

Today, we meet to discuss a topic that will interest you: how to have big arms. I know because I received a lot of emails in response to previous articles you are likely to want to develop your biceps to finally fill the sleeves of your shirt which hitherto remain desperately dangling. And it is true that beautiful well developed arms are often very attractive, appreciated and complimented. However, full of these beautiful and noble motives, most people take it wrong and end up ... Never have the desired result. So to prevent you from wasting your time, take stock of this.

1. Having big arms, it is not (just) big biceps

First mistake that most is to think that having big biceps enough to have big arms. As we did for the 6 pack, do a very light even shorter than the last point of anatomy: the biceps make up only about 1/3 of your arm .... The remaining two thirds are composed by your triceps.

Then you'll understand: who says big biceps does not say not big. Who says big triceps said good arm. And who says big biceps and triceps big thugs say. In fact, do not neglect your triceps and insist on it. In addition, you know what? You're in luck. Bossant in your pecs at various shots developed triceps are indirectly solicited. Good idea, so this is to associate your session pec a triceps session with specialized exos (kickback for example).

2. The risk of overtraining

Because you really wanted to have these big arms, you will want to do too much. The classic mistake? Doing curls every night. While we breathe, drink fresh and active the brain: the muscles in your arms are like any other muscle they need rest to recover and grow. So please be method: do sessions only "arms" is a bit silly.

Organize your workouts for triceps and biceps with intelligence. Gather your triceps with your pecs, for the reasons explained above, and your biceps with your lats and shoulders, for example. But above all ... Especially ... No more than 2 sessions per week, each spaced minimum 48 hours, whether for your biceps or your triceps.

3. Load little but good load

In the same vein as overtraining ... You'd be amazed at how some of my clients have started to finally take the volume in the arm, while galéraient previously, lifting lighter ... And I'm not talking about "bulking" huh ... No, just lift lighter while keeping the same patterns (number of sets and repetitions). Why? Because always full of these good intentions, in addition to wanting you train too often, you'll want to load as much as possible, to the detriment of the quality of movement.

And justly it is this last factor that is decisive. The biceps and triceps are composed of several segments, with fibers more or less deep, and it is necessary to apply all. For this, it is essential to perform your moves to perfection might not work a (small) part of your arm, and have proportional results: lean.


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