
Wednesday 19 November 2014

The truth about anabolic steroids

For decades, the derivatives of testosterone, anabolic androgenic steroids commonly called (SAA) were an integral part of bodybuilding and many other sports. This article attempts to answer the main questions raised around the SAA:
-to what extent the use of steroids is it widespread?

-what is the danger of SAA?

-what are reasonable bodybuilding goals if we remain "clean"?

How many bodybuilders take steroids?

A simple answer would be much, if not almost all, if we talk about the pros.

But that does not mean you can not have awesome muscles if you do not touch steroids. But you will have less chance of winning on those who take it.

That said, it would be unfair to see bodybuilding as a sport dependent on such substances. You should know that in all sports, there are elite athletes who dope. Those who are caught are beaten shame but they are only the visible part of the iceberg.

Why? You can be good at sports in quite different ways. It may well lead, eat well and take good supplements. It can also dope.

If you want to be at the top, it will be difficult to give up any of these items. The competition is just too fierce.

But why so many bodybuilders lovers decide to make a profound change in their lifestyle using PAC? I'm talking about lifestyle change because steroids can significantly affect your mood, your sex life and your endurance. Everything works in a cycle high endurance / low endurance, strong libido / no sex drive at all, spirits / depression.

Well for many it is simply a shortcut. For others (usually the "hardcore bodybuilders" and proud of it), anabolic steroids are simply become a way of life. For many others, PAC is simply what they believe is the best way forward after a long period of stagnation.

Anabolic steroids are illegal. But are they really so dangerous?

First, PAC are not allowed anywhere. The controversial laws that classify steroids among narcotics emerged in 1990 with the adoption of the Controlled Substances Act in the United States. Other countries have followed this path, but the fact is that at the time the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) had protested the United States against the legislation, saying that testosterone could be characterized as causing drug addiction.

In fact, the dangers of anabolic steroids depend greatly on the type of PAC used and administered doses.

You can not compare a bodybuilder who takes the Oxandrolone (a sweet substance) for one month to another who takes large amounts of Oxymetholone (SAA very toxic to the liver) or Nandrolone (which leads to inhibition Total testosterone) over a long period.

The lack of clinical tests do not make things easier. The study of anabolic steroids has become almost taboo within the scientific community and much of the information available on the subject comes from the experience of long-term users.

We discuss potential complications in terms of health related to the use of different steroids in a future article. Here, say the reason most steroids are not safe is that most of them are produced by "wild laboratories" or Anglo-Saxon UGL (Underground laboratories) jargon.

These labs do not meet the standards that exist in terms of hygiene, they use steroids powders produced in China (which they can not control the quality) and often deceive their clients.

What results can you say without steroids?

You can still go very far. You can make very good progress and have a wonderful thanks to a good physical workout, good supplements and good nutrition.

Of course, if you are naturally thin, you do not have as much weight a person naturally muscular. But it remains the case that you take PAC or not.

Your progress will be slower than if you dopiez but your muscle mass will be of good quality, a lot of SAA lead (in addition to protein synthesis) water retention, which can also increase muscle volume. These steroids give their users a bloated air and can also change their facial features.

Basically, I think you can achieve without steroids 2/3 strength and muscle mass that you'd arrived with SAA.

This may seem like a big difference but we must understand that to get the most out of the SAA, must combine them and make very painful changes to your life. Using a mild steroid anabolic effect on a reduced period of time will not result in dramatic results.


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